
Showing posts from July, 2018

Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way Down  by John Green Blurb: Sixteen -year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there’s a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett’s son, Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts. Review: " Oh , sweetie," she said. "You didn't go crazy. You've always been crazy." Now I laughed, and she reached over to squeeze my wrist. I had a hard time with this one. Actually, I still have a hard time with it. I've been gone for a week and I intended to read this before I left but, alas, whenever I picked this book up I started feeling weird so I only rea...

What Girls Are Made Of

What Girls Are Made of  by Elana K. Arnold Blurb: When  Nina Faye was fourteen, her mother told her there was no such thing as unconditional love. Nina believed her. Now she'll do anything for the boy she loves, to prove she's worthy of him. But when he breaks up with her, Nina is lost. What is she if not a girlfriend? What is she made of? Broken-hearted, Nina tries to figure out what the conditions of love are. Review: " Love  for a woman," my mother said, "is always conditional on her beauty. That," she said, my fingers grazing hers on the final fold, "and sex." As  I finished reading the last couple of pages, goosebumps started growing down my back and spread all over my shoulders and arms. Yeah, it's one of those books. And, honestly, the ending is the most upbeat part of What Girls Are Made of . The beginning kind of pretends to be upbeat and happy but it's twisted and uncomfortable and really not happy at al...

Throwback: April - June

Oh , God. I have made the mistake of waiting too long to write another one of these. There are so many books and, although I would like to write a little bit about all of them, I'm sure it would be a total overkill to actually do so. Thus, I'll just go into a little detail about the books I deem worthy of further attention. Most of the books I've written reviews for anyway so you should be able to just look those up.  Books (Books I read for university) Absolom, Absolom!  by William Faulkner - 2 stars Urgh, Absolom, Absolom  was such a pain to read. Yeah, I know there are a couple of people who actually enjoy it's writing style and stuff but it wasn't my cup of tea - it wasn't most people's cup of tea as far as I can tell from talking to fellow English students. Thus, I want to tell you (as I've told other students who weren't sure whether to finish it or not): if you ever have to read this book and you can't deal with it's style,...

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie Blurb: Born poor and with life-threatening hydrocephalus, Arnold "Junior" Spirit shocks doctors by surviving brain surgery. But his enormous skull, lopsided eyes, huge feet, profound stuttering, and frequent seizures make the brain-damaged lad the target of much abuse on the Spokane Indian reservation where he lives. Protected by a formidable friend, the book-loving artist survives childhood. And then—convinced his future lies of the rez—the bright 14-year-old enrolls in Reardan High School 22 miles away, where the only non-Caucasian is its Indian mascot. Review: " Well , life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community." This  book was, somehow, both a hit and miss for me. I've heard about it because of a lecture I attended last year (great lecture, btw, which is why I'm interested in almost all of the books the professor d...

Fermats letzter Satz

Fermats letzter Satz  von Simon Singh Zusammenfassung: Als  Andrew Wiles von der Princeton University 1993 eine Lösung für Fermats letzten Satz verkündete, elektrisierte er die mathematische Welt. Nachdem ein Fehler in der Lösung gefunden wurde, musste Wiles ein weiteres Jahr daran arbeiten – er hatte bereits sieben Jahre lang in Abgeschiedenheit gearbeitet – um nachweisen zu können, dass er die 350 Jahre alte Aufgabe gelöst hatte. Simon Singhs Buch ist eine lebendige, verständliche Erklärung der Arbeit Wiles' und der star-, trauma- und narrenbestückten Geschichte von Fermats letztem Satz. Fermats letzter Satz beinhaltet einige Aufgaben, die eine Kostprobe der Mathematik geben; es beinhaltet aber auch Limericks, die einem ein Gefühl für die alberne Seite von Mathematikern geben. Rezension: Ich  habe hierfür einen wahrhaft wunderbaren Beweis, doch ist dieser Rand hier zu schmal, um ihn zu fassen. Es  ist schwer, ein Buch zu empfehlen, in dem es...