A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic #3)

A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic #3) von V. E. Schwab


The balance of power has finally tipped...
The precarious equilibrium among four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the Maresh Empire, leaving a space for another London to rise.
Who will crumble? 
Kell – once assumed to be the last surviving Antari – begins to waver under the pressure of competing loyalties. And in the wake of tragedy, can Arnes survive? 
Who will rise?
Lila Bard, once a commonplace – but never common – thief, has survived and flourished through a series of magical trails. But now she must learn to control the magic, before it bleeds her dry. Meanwhile, the disgraced Captain Alucard Emery of the Night Spire collects his crew, attempting a race against time to acquire the impossible.
Who will take control?
And an ancient enemy returns to claim a crown while a fallen hero tries to save a world in decay.

"I plan to give him what he wants," said Holland grimly. "I plan to kneel and beg and invite him in. I plan to grant him his vessel." Kell stared in bald disgust. "And then I plan to let you kill me."

Ach, was bin ich glücklich gerade. Dieses Buch war wirklich alles, was man sich für den letzen Teil einer Serie erhoffen könnte. Und, noch wichtiger/beeindruckender, alles was man sich für den letzten Teil dieser Serie erhoffen könnte. 

Was mir im zweiten Teil gefallen hat wurde hier weiter geführt - Charaktere wurden weiter ausgebaut (besonders der König und die Königin, die man in diesem Teil wirklich zu verstehen beginnt) und die Handlung hat einen sehr schönen, runden, zufriedenstellenden Schluss bekommen, mit der richtigen Mischung aus bitter und süss (über die Welt und die allgemeine Brillant, welche ich in meiner letzten Rezension erwähnt habe kann ich nichts neues mehr sagen). 

Ganz ehrlich, ich kann mich echt nicht beklagen. Es gab schöne Dinge, spannende Dinge, traurige Dinge, Dinge die man sich erhofft hat, Dinge vor denen man sich gefürchtet hat. Also, auf jeden Fall gab es Dinge. Und, in diesem Fall, mag ich Dinge sehr. 

Tja, viel mehr kann ich eigentlich auch nicht sagen. Wenn du diese Reihe noch nicht gelesen hast, dann weiss ich auch nicht, was du mit deinem Leben so anfängst (naja, doch, ich weiss es schon, es ist nur schade, dass du es nicht damit verbringst, diese Reihe zu lesen und – egal, du verstehst schon was ich meine). 
"What have you done?" demanded Kell
"It was just a tonic, sir," he fumbled, "something for sleep."
"You drugged her?"
"It was Tieren's order," said Hastra, chastised. "He said she was mad and stubborn and no use to us dead." Hastra lowered his voice when he said this, mimicking Tieren's tone with startling accuracy. 
"And what do you plan to do when she wakes back up?"
Hastra shrank back. "Apologize?"
Kell made an exasperated sound as Lila nuzzled – actually nuzzled – his shoulder. 
"I suggest," he snapped at the young man, "you think of something better. Like an escape route."

Well, I for one am very happy. This book was everything I could have wished for in the last book of a series. And, even more impressive, it was everything I could have wished for in the last book of this series.

The things I loved about the second book were continued in this one – the characters were vivid and we got more character development (especially the king and queen, whom we finally really get to know/understand) and the plot was beautifully and satisfyingly wrapped up with the right amount of bitter-sweet (I can't really add anything to the general brilliance and the amazing world building I mentioned in my review of the second book). 

Honestly, I really can't complain at all. A lot of things happened in this book: beautiful things, tense things, sad things, things one has hoped for, things one has been afraid of. Definitely a lot of things. And I liked all of them.

Aaannnd I don't really have anything more to say. If you haven't read this series yet you really should get to it. It is, truly, amazing. Victoria Schwab is brillant and if you like fantasy, you'll most probably like her stories too.


Im Vergleich mit den anderen beiden Büchern, würde ich dieses genau dazwischen platzieren - es hat mir etwas besser gefallen als der erste Teil, etwas weniger gut als der Zweite. Also 4.5/5 Sterne. 


Name: A Conjuring of Light
Reihe: Shades of Magic
Autor: V. E. Schwab
Verlag: Titan Books
Seitenanzahl: 666
Wo?: Amazon


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